November 8, 2009

Tsurugaoka Hachimangû Kobudô Taikai

The 23rd Kobudô Taikai was held in sunny Kamakura last Saturday (Nov 7 2009). There were over 100 participants from 17 different dôjôs. Demonstration started around 9.30 am with welcome speeches, singing the Kimigayo and giving leaf offerings to the kami.

In this enbu each dôjô had their own individual performances except for the dôjôs that had only one or two participants. In that case the members performed together based on their iai-school.

The absolute favorite of the audience were these young kendokas (5-10 years) from Kamakura. What a nice beginning to the enbu!

The first set of performances lasted till 12 am. The last dôjô showed tameshigiri too (Toyama Ryû).

After they finished there was a 30 minutes break to have bentô lunch. Takada Dôjô’s turn was right after lunch so instead of a hasty lunch we decided to do warm up and enjoy our bentôs later.

First we did Tôhô together after which Takada Tokudô Sensei (renshi 7th dan) and Toriyama Sensei (5th dan) performed kumigata. The last part was to perform any 5 katas (excluding juntô of course) in two groups.

Lunch time ^^

Here is Takada Rumi Sensei, Musô Shinden Ryû hanshi 8th dan.

When all the lower rank performers had had their turn it was time for the Senseis (starting from 9th dan) to show their skills. Here are Takada Gakudô Sensei and Hon'ami Sensei (Musô Jikiden Eishin Ryû, Hanshi 10th dan) getting ready for their turn.

Here is the 20th Headmaster of Musô Shinden Ryû, Takada Gakudô Sensei.

The demonstration was finished at 3 pm after which there was a two hour party (delicious food and drinks).

Takada Dôjô had yet another party starting from 5 pm at a local izakaya (the same place where we always go after enbu in Kamakura ^^).

Takada Gakudô Sensei thanked everyone for a good enbu.


Last speech by Ookochi Sensei (kyôshi 8th dan).

The next demonstration will be held in Kamakura Tsurugaoka Hachimangû on January 17 2010.

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